全副武装,机师。《War Robots: Frontiers》现已正式推出,快来免费畅玩!游戏已登陆PlayStation®5、PlayStation®4、Xbox Series X|S™、Xbox One™和Windows PC上的Steam和MY.GAMES Launcher,并支持完全的跨平台组队!
- 4张星际地图
- 终点站:太空港口兼货物处理设施,同时也是进入蛮荒十星星系的唯一通路。快来为争夺它的控制权而战。
- 光谱:在这个持续爆发混战的研究站点围绕一根巨大的传送针展开激战。
- 触媒:这座地热发电厂附近到处是危险的岩浆池,同时也有着大量的狙击点位。
- 裂隙:一个诺亚矿采矿建筑群,内含一件可以瞬间扭转战局的秘密武器——粉碎机!
- 3种刺激的游戏模式
- 团队生死斗(TDM):率先消灭30个对手的队伍获胜!
- 最后生还者(LRS):在敌方摧毁我方所有战争机器人之前摧毁他们的所有战争机器人。
- 争夺传送门:与队友守住传送门来累积控制积分。率先达到目标分数或击败所有敌方机器人即可获胜。
- 18款随时准备参战的战争机器人:Ares、Bulgasari、Bulwark、Fenrir、Fury、Griffin、Harpy、Lancelot、Orochi、Phantom、Purifier、Pursuer、Ravana、Raven、Siren、Typhon、Tyr和Varangian
- 3种泰坦:Alpha、Grim和Matriarch
参与星际活动,庆祝《War Robots: Frontiers》正式版发布!
- 每日签到奖励(3月4日至4月4日):每天参与1场战斗即可获得贴纸、高级账号时长、回收件、信用币和情报等丰厚奖励!
- 注册奖励(3月4日至4月22日):立刻畅玩即可获取包括“星云”外装、1500枚信用币和7500个回收件在内的各种特别礼物。
- 订阅简讯:来自星际边境的所有最新消息可直达你的收件箱。马上注册,即可获取约书亚史密斯(普通机师)、漩涡(武器)和1万枚信用币等丰厚奖励。
- Twitch掉宝(3月4日至24日):观看你最爱的直播来赚取信用币、回收件和高级账号时长。打赏两份订阅服务还可领取“鬼叛者”外装!
- 战术机甲大战:与你的队友驾驶巨大的战争机器人,执行战术策略,智取对手夺取胜利。在“最后生还者”模式中为生存而战,在“争夺传送门”模式中控制关键点位,在“团队生死斗”模式中全力消灭敌人。在排位战中证明你自己,勇攀段位高峰。
- 打造你的胜利之路:通过自定义经验丰富的机师、毁天灭地的武器库和特殊的装备技能,打造出终极的战争机器人。解锁独家装饰性物品,让你的方案在战斗中更显与众不同!
- 释放泰坦神力:积攒足够的力量后,你就能释放你的终极武器——泰坦。这些巨大的机器会带着独特的技能加入战斗。选择最佳时机,用毁天灭地的神力扭转战局吧。
- 拓展你的宇宙:赛季、活动和战斗通行证将为游戏源源不断带来新内容,其中包括新模式、新地图和新武器等。每场战斗都是争夺荣耀的新机遇。
快来投身《War Robots》的宇宙,不断提升排名,在蛮荒十星成就属于你的不朽传奇!
在排位赛中勇攀段位高峰——《War Robots: Frontiers》专为更喜欢竞技的机师打造。与技术水平相当的机师对战,不断提升排名并领取奖励。
立刻免费下载《War Robots: Frontiers》,游戏现已登录:
PlayStation®5│PlayStation®4│ Xbox Series X|S™ │Xbox One™
敬请关注我们的官方X、Facebook、Instagram、YouTube和TikTok频道,并加入《War Robots: Frontiers》的Reddit社区,随时了解各种最新要闻与更新资讯。
New Features & Content
- New Map: Terminus
- New War Robot: Cyclops (Assault Class)
- Available in the Under the Wire Battle Pass starting March 11.
- New Weapon: Gemini (Heavy Rocket Launcher)
- Available in the Under the Wire Battle Pass starting March 11.
- New Legendary Pilot: Idy “King” Demerost
- New Customization Options: Paints, Wear & Tear, Stickers, Decals, and Wraps
Game System Changes
- During War Robot customization, Wraps can now be applied by pressing Spacebar.
- The talents menu for Pilots has been renamed from “Rank Up” to “Talents”.
- The “Rank up” button has been removed.
- Updated sound effects in the Workshop UI.
- Improved VFX for Module preview in the Warehouse and Shop.
- Improved lighting in the Hangar.
- Changed AI-opponent names.
- Improved VFX when War Robots are interacting with water surfaces.
- Changed the Reward screen visuals:
- Rewards are now separated by their sources.
- Improved Crew invite notifications and interaction:
- Players will now see an “Accept” button that automatically adds them to the Crew.
- Changed the sequence of the post-battle screens:
- The sequence begins with “Details”. The “Drop Team” statistics will now only open when the button is clicked.
- Changed the behavior of the Module Details window:
- When opening and closing the details of the selected Module, the player will now return to the Workshop/Warehouse with the Module highlighted that was previously selected.
- Changed visuals for Common Pilots.
Balancing Changes (War Robots & Titans)
Fenrir (War Robot)
- Unchained (Core Gear)
- Increased the cooldown of Unchained. At the highest level the cooldown has been increased from 30s to 40s.
- Reduced the HP recovery rate for damage. At the highest level the HP recovery rate has been reduced from 100% to 85%.
Matriarch (Titan)
- Scrubber (Weapon)
- Increased the bullet spread from 0.6 to 1.
- Singulators (Weapon)
- Removed the delay before the first drone starts shooting down enemy projectiles.
Raven (War Robot)
- Steel Feathers (Core Gear)
- Decreased the projectile spread to 0.
Balancing Changes (Weapons)
Ghost Turret
- Decreased the attack range to 110m.
- Decreased damage to armor from 666 to 350.
- Decreased damage to shields from 368 to 200.
- Increased Armor-DoT (per second) from 1,000 to 18,000.
- Increased Shield-DoT (per second) from 1,000 to 3,000.
- Increased damage to armor from 4,614 to 4,900.
- Increased damage to shields from 5,609 to 5,750.
- Reduced clip size from 100 to 90.
- Increased the max. Charge time from 1s to 1.4s.
- Increased the time to reload from 2.4s to 3.6s.
- Decreased damage to armor from 10,363 to 9,950.
- Decreased damage to shields from 9,380 to 9,000.
- The behavior of the AoE damage of Trident has been adjusted:
- AoE damage has been redistributed. Some of the AoE damage is now applied to shields.
- The ratio between direct armor damage and AoE damage has been adjusted. Direct damage is higher, AoE damage is lower.
- Increased the projectile velocity by 23%.
- Increased damage to armor from 6,590 to 6,890.
- Decreased damage to shields from 4,810 to 4,510.
- Increased the rate of fire from 0.556 to 0.625.
- Increased the time to reload from 2.3s to 2.5s.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where the battle music may play twice after reconnecting to a match.
- Catalyst: Fixed a bug where players could collide with invisible walls.
Pilot Talents
- Fire Support (Talent): This Talent now only activates when there are at least 2 allies within 100 meters of the player.
- Offensive Tactics (Talent): Fixed a bug where the Pilot talent “Offensive Tactics” did not increase Gear damage.
- Gearhead (Talent): Fixed a bug where two cooldown periods are displayed after using an ability and the Talent “Gearhead” is active.
- Alpha: Fixed a bug where the VFX for Firestorm (Titan Gear) was not visible in certain cases.
- Grim: Fixed a bug where the damage dealt by Ripper (Titan Gear) was not counted to the post battle statistics.
- Grim: Fixed a bug where Snare (Titan Gear) could attach to the War Robots Griffin and Purifier if Scrambler or Zealot (Core Gears) were active, allowing the Snare to move.
- Grim: Fixed a bug where the VFX for Katzbalger (Titan Weapon) would briefly disappear when ammo is consumed.
Tutorial & Firing Range
- Fixed a bug where the tutorial music was played after closing the tutorial.
- Fixed a bug where players were not able to enter the Firing Range after customizing a Titan.
War Robots & Gear
- Fixed a bug where the War Robot that was just created was not selected after exiting the “Create War Robot” screen.
- Fixed a bug where the name randomizer button for War Robots would clear the field instead of generating a name.
- Fixed a bug where Gear icons could clip into the War Robot in the Workshop.
- Fixed a bug where War Robot icons in the progression screen displayed a white box instead of the War Robot part.
- Ares: Fixed a bug where Wrath (Core Gear) did not visually match the shield that was deployed.
- Purifier: Fixed a bug where the damage bonus of the Core Gear Zealot did not always apply to the weapons Trebuchet, Shredder, and Scourge.
- Varangian: Fixed a bug where Energy Dome (Core Gear) could restrict enemy movement.
- Varangian: Fixed a bug where Energy Dome (Core Gear) was not visible to the player who deployed it.
- Fixed a bug where weapon slots were named Heavy Weapon if they could fit both Light or Heavy weapons. The slots are now correctly named “Any Weapon”.