War Robots turns six today

War Robots turns six today: the game was released on April 14, 2014.

There was a theory once that mobile games live 2-3 years on average. We now know that a game’s life expectancy correlates directly with the amount of effort, heart and soul that the team invests in it.

Our team is relentlessly setting the bar higher and higher on how a game should look and feel, and six years down the road we’re still experimenting with content and mechanics, defining trends in our genre and providing what the community desires to see. There are great changes in store for the project in 2020, especially regarding its visual side – you will soon see everything wit

h your own eyes. Meanwhile, let’s take a look at the past year for War Robots:

  • Set a record of 150 million installs

  • Got 1,000,000 subscribers on Facebook and 450,000 on YouTube

  • Held six events lasting a total 162 days

  • Players held 110 mln battles the past year, destroying 3.3 bln robots

  • The game now features pilots, 3 titans, 9 robots, 6 modules, 9 weapons and 6 titan weapons!

Happy birthday to our WR team – you guys are doing a fantastic job on a game played by millions!

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