War Robots proves age is just a number: celebrates 9th anniversary with $750 million in revenue

MY.GAMES is celebrating the 9th anniversary of War Robots, a mobile game created by Pixonic. The game has achieved a significant milestone, earning over $750 million in gross revenue across all platforms and garnering more than 200 million registered users. The game has consistently grown over the years and remains one of the world’s biggest tactical mobile shooters on the App Store and Google Play. War Robots grew into a fully fledged franchise with the announcement of PC/Console shooter War Robots: Frontiers.

"We're thrilled to celebrate this milestone anniversary and to see War Robots continue to grow and thrive," said Vladimir Nikolsky, CEO of MY.GAMES. "It’s now much more than just a game — it’s an entire universe. We have raised the War Robots experience to a new, and more hardcore, level with the announcement of War Robots: Frontiers — and that’s not all. Players can expect more exciting news in the near future."

Over the course of nine years, War Robots has seen significant growth and development, with live-ops, in-game events, and regular updates playing a huge part in its success. Last year's Live Show alone boosted DAU by 9.2%, and the team aims to repeat that success with this month’s birthday events. Keeping things fresh has resulted in continuous growth for War Robots: in the last year, more than 30 million new players have joined; that's 40% growth in comparison to the year before.

To keep players engaged the development team is always focused on improving in-game content and introducing new and innovative features. The technical component of the game has been consistently improved, with major graphics and system upgrades completed in 2021. In 2022 the team began to implement a long-awaited and challenging feature — War Robots’ PvE mode that was released in March 2023. 

The amount of in-game content has been significantly growing over the years as well. When it all started, the game had only 5 robots and 9 weapons in total. Now it boasts more than 400 different units of content. This includes 75 robots, 12 titans, 142 guns and 14 maps. 

All this helps build a strong and loyal community. More than 6 million active players have been with the game for 2+ years, and over 2.5 billion matches have been played. Almost 5 million people follow War Robots YouTube and Facebook page, and videos from the game’s channel have gathered more than 130 million views. “It may sound trite, but we are very proud of our players. Few mobile projects have such a strong, loyal and supportive community,” said Boris Burangulov, Executive Producer of War Robots.

At the end of 2022, MY.GAMES announced War Robots: Frontiers, a third-person mech shooter game created by Pixonic. This is a big step for the company — not only is the team trying their hand on consoles for the first time, but it also offers players the chance to experience  the world of War Robots from a new perspective. Now the development of Frontiers is in full swing: the team is carefully following feedback from closed beta participants and refining upcoming content. This May, War Robots: Frontiers will receive an update that introduces pilots to the game, and in the future there will be a new map destruction system, new robots, weapons, and abilities.

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