Luna’s Boss Diary: Crusher

Hey adventurers, Luna here! As you journey through The Magical World with Niko and me, you’ll come across dangerous and devious Bosses! I’ve been making notes on every dastardly foe we see to help out our fellow adventurers.

Next up: Crusher!


We couldn’t have imagined what awaited us in Cobring Mines—an evil mineowner named Crusher. He was unlike any dragon we’d ever encountered. He even had drills for arms! This scaly scoundrel assumed we’d entered his domain to offer up our services working in his mine–but when Niko unknowingly insulted him (typical!) the battle was on. 

Crusher took chase, and we had to run as fast as our little mongoose legs could to escape his attacks, dodging and ducking as we leaped over minecarts, pits, and barriers. 

We ended up inside one of the rusty carts, where the real fight began. Still racing along the tracks, Crusher pursued us while he shot at stalactites, which hit the tracks, making hazardous pits! 

Eventually, Crusher caught up to us and we all fell into a musty mine, where the dastardly dragon rolled into us, firing fire and drill shots we had to nimbly dodge, as well as trying to hit us with carts! 

It was one tough fight, and it took us a long time to completely defeat him, especially when he got angry—you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry… 

Beware if you enter Cobring Mines, as this grizzly guy is a force to be reckoned with.

Niko and I wish you luck in your battles with each fearsome foe you meet. Luna, signin’ off!

Nikoderiko: The Magical World is now available to play on Nintendo Switch™, PlayStation®5, and Xbox Series X|S

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