Luna’s Boss Diary: Toby The Dragon

Hey adventurers, Luna here! As you journey through The Magical World with Niko and me, you’ll come across dangerous and devious Bosses! I’ve been making notes on every dastardly foe we see to help out our fellow adventurers.

Next up: Toby the Dragon!

Toby The Dragon

Dry Sea by name, but not quite by nature! As we explored the definitely wet parts of this realm, Niko and I stumbled upon a mysterious old ship—just in time for our stomachs to start rumbling! 

Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to express his humility, Niko declared that he’d catch us a fish for dinner with his “talents”. I joked that I hoped it’d be as big as his ego! I should have been more careful what I wished for—as instead of catching a delicious fish, Niko reeled in Toby! 

Toby the Dragon certainly gave us a shock when he appeared from the murky depths, but thankfully we had the ship wreckage to hide behind when avoiding his fire-breathing attacks. We also had a cannon at our disposal, which Niko used to carefully time our shots at Toby. 

Toby’s attacks didn’t stop there, as the dastardly dragon fired fireballs and showers of meteors, as well as sending shockwaves across the ship that we had to dodge! 

We finally managed to put Toby back in the drink where he belonged, and as he fell back into the watery abyss, the mighty splash that drenched us also provided Niko with the fish he promised to catch! Some mongooses have all the luck…

Niko and I wish you luck in your battles with each fearsome foe you meet. Luna, signin’ off!

Nikoderiko: The Magical World is now available to play on Nintendo Switch™, PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S, Steam, Epic Games Store, PlayStation®4, and Xbox One.

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