MY.GAMES launches #PlayAtHomeStandUnited campaign to encourage players to self isolate during COVID-19 outbreak

MY.GAMES has launched a new campaign, “Play at Home, Stand United!”, to encourage  players to self isolate at home when possible. Throughout the campaign, millions of gamers across the world will receive special daily bonuses across dozens of MY.GAMES titles, on all platforms. In-game gifts will be featured in Warface, Skyforge, Conqueror’s Blade, Hustle Castle, American Dad! Apocalypse Soon and other titles, with more games being added daily.

The campaign aims to raise awareness among  MY.GAMES’ millions of players about the precautionary measures that can be taken against spreading COVID-19, while also acknowledging the impact such measures can have on mental health.

“It’s not always easy to stay housebound,” commented Vasily Maguryan, MY.GAMES CEO. “We wanted to show our support to the community and thank those who are doing what they can to keep themselves and others safe. We know it’s not much, but hope our campaign will help our players, even a little, through these challenging times.”

Players are encouraged to share the campaign on social media, using hashtag #PlayAtHomeStandUnited, or by clicking “I’M PLAYING AT HOME” on the campaign website here. More information, including featured titles and gifts, is available on the website.

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